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Program proposal

Program proposal

Present a detailed submission for approval for a program which addresses the recommendations you made in assignment 1. (For the purposes of this assignment, you will need to assume that a need identified by you as a high priority was also identified by the community as high priority.) The submission must contain sufficient information to identify that the problem does indeed exist, and that the program submitted is appropriate, feasible, can be implemented, and its suitability, process and outcomes evaluated. Describe key competencies which may be required for the program to be implemented. Identify possible challenges unique to both the program and participants involved, include strategies from an evidence based perspective to improve transition within the community. Link your approach to the theory and readings that are relevant. Include appropriate references where required.

HSHM345 Assignment 2

The following guidelines are offered as a way of structuring and presenting your assignment: they are a guide only. You may choose to use another guide especially if you currently are working in a community service and have a project proposal template your organisation works with.
NB: Please take careful account of the feedback on your community needs analysis before you get stuck into this assignment.

Your proposal should be presented as follows (what ever guide you use):

A.    Cover sheet (assignment cover sheet in this instance)
B.    Executive Summary of the propose program (approx. 1 page)
a.    Outline need and supporting data
b.    Service area and population to be serviced

C.    Body of proposal (maximum 10 pages)

1.    Organisation information,
•    provide a brief summary of the organization from which the project will be offered
•    Mission goals, future challenges and long term plans
•    Current programs and activities
2.    Problem statement
a.    Description of issue or need to be addressed by the proposed program
b.    Supporting facts, and documentation of need for the proposed program
3.    Project description
a.    Description of proposed program
b.    Identify target population and number of people to be served
c.    Project goals, objectives and activities
d.    (Where relevant) Other organisations or funders participating the in project and their roles
e.    Timeline for implementation

4.    Resources
List all the resources you think you might need for your project to be successful. Once you have identified what you need, you may then need to prioritise them to fit your project budget (item 6 below)
5.    Evaluation (1 page) Use a template for this section.
What impact will your program have? How will you know? Who will do the evaluation? How will the results be used?
6.    Budget  (1 page) Use a template for this section.  (You can include this item with Resources the template asks you to estimate costs, for this assignment that will be sufficient. But do keep in mind that a budget is a usual component of any project plan).
Templates Attached:
Project plan writing
Resourcing (inc budget outline)

Audience template

Identifying your audience

Primary target audience(s)
Who do you want the project and its message to get to? Put the most important people/groups first and write a few points about each audience.

Who are they (eg. adult men)?
How old are they?
Where do they live and/or how are they connected (eg. by a sporting activity)?
Who can influence their behaviour (eg. family, Elders, health workers, sports coaches) ?
What do they already know about the health issue?

Secondary target audience(s)
What other groups might benefit from this project? Who can influence the behaviour of the primary audience? Put the most important people/groups first and write a few points about each audience.

Who are they (eg. the partners of adult men)?
How old are they?
Where do they live and/or how are they connected (eg. by a sporting activity)?
Who can influence their behaviour (eg. family, Elders, health workers, sports coaches) ?
What do they already know about the health issue?

The audience template helps you to start thinking about who you want to hear your message.
Community Health Action Pack, Step 3 Audience Template

Stakeholder template

Who are your stakeholders

List the people, groups and organisations you need to talk to and get their support

(Who do I need to keep informed? eg. Elders, community leaders, health workers)     How do I get their support?
(What are some of the ways you will approach stakeholders?)    Stakeholder role
(What role will your stakeholder have in your program?)

The stakeholder template helps you to create a list of people and organisations you will need to talk to.

The plan writing template


1. Project goal(Hint – to raise awareness of…)

2. Project objective(s)(Hint – by…. [when]….., we will hold ….[a number]…. of …..[activities]……)

3. Strategies (Hint – make sure they will help you to meet your objectives)

4. Activities (Hint – get some ideas from the Big Box of Ideas on page 23)

The plan writing template helps you to develop the goals, objectives, strategies and activities of your project.
Community Health Action Pack. Step 5 Plan Writing Template
Resourcing template

Resourcing your project

List all the resources you think you might need for your project to be successful. Once you have identified what you need, you may then need to prioritise them to fit your project budget.
Some examples are included below, which you can adapt or delete as you fill out the table with your own project details.

Resource    Why they are needed    Cost
Project administrator    To manage the budget, pay the bills and assist with event management    $30,000 (6 month role)
Radio advertising    To inform the community about the event    $10,000

The resourcing template helps you to prioritise the resources you will need to run your project.
Community Health Action Pack: Step 7 Resourcing Template
Timeline template

Developing a project timeline

To help you keep track of your project activities, the table below is an example of what your project timeline might look like.

It is sometimes useful, particularly if you are planning an event, to work backwards from the event date to work out when you need to have each activity completed by.

If you are working with people outside your team, make sure you give them a reasonable timeframe to deliver their part of the project. It’s a good idea to check with them how long they will need to finish their part of the project.

Below is an example of what a timeline might look like – you can adapt or delete the examples as you fill out the table with your own project details.

Activity    Responsibility    Start date    End date
Contact local radio to arrange meeting    Sharon B    23/4/11    23/4/11
Develop ideas for radio program    Michael S    26/4/11    30/4/11
Radio station meeting to discuss ideas    Sharon B and Michael S    1/5/11    1/5/11
Confirm partnership with radio station    Sharon B    N/A    15/5/11

The timeline template helps you to start working out the date each activity of your project will need to be done by.

Community Health Action Pack. Step 9 Timeline Template
Funding template

Funding budget

This second budget will help you keep track of all the funding sources for your project, as well as all the actual costs. You can adapt or delete the examples as you fill out the table with your own project details.

Income    Amount    Expenditure    Amount
Local Community Campaign Funding    $34,000    Salaries    $7,000
Donation – venue hire    —    Fitness instructor    $5,000
Insurance    $3,000
Travel    $500
Accommodation    $500
Catering    $1,000
Exercise equipment    $4,000
Advertising    $4,000
Printing    $1,500
Fitness clothing     $2,500
Gym memberships    $5,000

Total    $34,000    Total    $34,000

The funding template helps you to make sure you have the necessary funding to meet your costs.

Notes on how to prepare your budget
•    On the left-hand side of your page, list all your sources of ‘Income’, including any funding for which you are applying
•    In the second column, write the amount for each item
•    The third ‘Expenditure’ column is where you need to list all the activities, tasks, resources, materials and products that your project will require (your costs budget will help you identify these). You should also include a contingency amount (generally about 5–10% of the budget) to allow for any unexpected or increases in costs
•    The last column is for the estimated cost of each expenditure item
•    The totals for the ‘Income’ and ‘Expenditure’ columns should equal the same amount

HSHM345 Relationship to
Unit Learning Outcomes     HSHM345 Assessment 2:
Program proposal
LO 2: critically analyse the competing forces which influence the work of health planners
There is consistency between what was proposed in the community needs analysis and what is presented – or a justification for modification in the program proposal has been provided. Any modification is well justified. The scope of the work continues to be related to a professional, social or cultural issue and is well justified as such.

Mark         /20    Strong
17 – 20    Satisfactory
13-16    Weak
10-12    Unacceptable (0-10)
The assignment does not align to community needs analysis in any discernible way.
LO 4 identify and consolidate sources of information useful in health planning: and
LO 5 critically review the information available about a specific geographical area and exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying areas of unmet need    The information presented in the work is consolidated and specific to planning the proposed program.  The rationale for the program is justified through reference to, synthesisof and appropriate interpretation of population data, current policy, and current and/or seminal literature.
Mark            /40    Strong
34-40    Satisfactory
26-33    Weak
20-25     Unacceptable (0-20):
The program is ill defined or superficial. The program is not justified other than from a personal perspective. There is inadequate understanding of the topic area. There is no evidence of interpretation and analysis of the subject matter
LO 6apply knowledge and skills with initiative and judgement to address one of the needs identified    Proposed program is specific to the community needs identified, well justified, and supported by evidence. If an existing program in another area it has been adapted with careful consideration to the specific community‘s population and needs.
Mark            /30    Strong
25-30    Satisfactory
19-24    Weak
15-18    Unacceptable (0-15)
The work is incoherent and lacks discernible logic. There is no attempt to comply with academic conventions in presenting the work.
Presentation and formatting
presents a written work in accordance with academic and professional standards    The program proposal is well structured, logical and presents a cohesive and organised set of ideas that are well supported by evidence. The work is presented in a format that is acceptable to the academic and professional community.
•    meets word limit (±10% )
•    formatting and presentation meets academic and professional standards
•    work has been checked and edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
•    correct/complete referencing
Mark            /10    strong
9 or 10    Satisfactory
7-8    Weak
5-6    Unacceptable (0-5)
The work is incoherent and lacks discernible logic. There is little or no attempt to comply with academic conventions in presenting the work.
Final comments and total mark         (    / 100 = /50)

Assessed by:                                                                                               Date:

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Program proposal

Program proposal

Present a detailed submission for approval for a program which addresses the recommendations you made in assignment 1. (For the purposes of this assignment, you will need to assume that a need identified by you as a high priority was also identified by the community as high priority.) The submission must contain sufficient information to identify that the problem does indeed exist, and that the program submitted is appropriate, feasible, can be implemented, and its suitability, process and outcomes evaluated. Describe key competencies which may be required for the program to be implemented. Identify possible challenges unique to both the program and participants involved, include strategies from an evidence based perspective to improve transition within the community. Link your approach to the theory and readings that are relevant. Include appropriate references where required.

HSHM345 Assignment 2

The following guidelines are offered as a way of structuring and presenting your assignment: they are a guide only. You may choose to use another guide especially if you currently are working in a community service and have a project proposal template your organisation works with.
NB: Please take careful account of the feedback on your community needs analysis before you get stuck into this assignment.

Your proposal should be presented as follows (what ever guide you use):

A.    Cover sheet (assignment cover sheet in this instance)
B.    Executive Summary of the propose program (approx. 1 page)
a.    Outline need and supporting data
b.    Service area and population to be serviced

C.    Body of proposal (maximum 10 pages)

1.    Organisation information,
•    provide a brief summary of the organization from which the project will be offered
•    Mission goals, future challenges and long term plans
•    Current programs and activities
2.    Problem statement
a.    Description of issue or need to be addressed by the proposed program
b.    Supporting facts, and documentation of need for the proposed program
3.    Project description
a.    Description of proposed program
b.    Identify target population and number of people to be served
c.    Project goals, objectives and activities
d.    (Where relevant) Other organisations or funders participating the in project and their roles
e.    Timeline for implementation

4.    Resources
List all the resources you think you might need for your project to be successful. Once you have identified what you need, you may then need to prioritise them to fit your project budget (item 6 below)
5.    Evaluation (1 page) Use a template for this section.
What impact will your program have? How will you know? Who will do the evaluation? How will the results be used?
6.    Budget  (1 page) Use a template for this section.  (You can include this item with Resources the template asks you to estimate costs, for this assignment that will be sufficient. But do keep in mind that a budget is a usual component of any project plan).
Templates Attached:
Project plan writing
Resourcing (inc budget outline)

Audience template

Identifying your audience

Primary target audience(s)
Who do you want the project and its message to get to? Put the most important people/groups first and write a few points about each audience.

Who are they (eg. adult men)?
How old are they?
Where do they live and/or how are they connected (eg. by a sporting activity)?
Who can influence their behaviour (eg. family, Elders, health workers, sports coaches) ?
What do they already know about the health issue?

Secondary target audience(s)
What other groups might benefit from this project? Who can influence the behaviour of the primary audience? Put the most important people/groups first and write a few points about each audience.

Who are they (eg. the partners of adult men)?
How old are they?
Where do they live and/or how are they connected (eg. by a sporting activity)?
Who can influence their behaviour (eg. family, Elders, health workers, sports coaches) ?
What do they already know about the health issue?

The audience template helps you to start thinking about who you want to hear your message.
Community Health Action Pack, Step 3 Audience Template

Stakeholder template

Who are your stakeholders

List the people, groups and organisations you need to talk to and get their support

(Who do I need to keep informed? eg. Elders, community leaders, health workers)     How do I get their support?
(What are some of the ways you will approach stakeholders?)    Stakeholder role
(What role will your stakeholder have in your program?)

The stakeholder template helps you to create a list of people and organisations you will need to talk to.

The plan writing template


1. Project goal(Hint – to raise awareness of…)

2. Project objective(s)(Hint – by…. [when]….., we will hold ….[a number]…. of …..[activities]……)

3. Strategies (Hint – make sure they will help you to meet your objectives)

4. Activities (Hint – get some ideas from the Big Box of Ideas on page 23)

The plan writing template helps you to develop the goals, objectives, strategies and activities of your project.
Community Health Action Pack. Step 5 Plan Writing Template
Resourcing template

Resourcing your project

List all the resources you think you might need for your project to be successful. Once you have identified what you need, you may then need to prioritise them to fit your project budget.
Some examples are included below, which you can adapt or delete as you fill out the table with your own project details.

Resource    Why they are needed    Cost
Project administrator    To manage the budget, pay the bills and assist with event management    $30,000 (6 month role)
Radio advertising    To inform the community about the event    $10,000

The resourcing template helps you to prioritise the resources you will need to run your project.
Community Health Action Pack: Step 7 Resourcing Template
Timeline template

Developing a project timeline

To help you keep track of your project activities, the table below is an example of what your project timeline might look like.

It is sometimes useful, particularly if you are planning an event, to work backwards from the event date to work out when you need to have each activity completed by.

If you are working with people outside your team, make sure you give them a reasonable timeframe to deliver their part of the project. It’s a good idea to check with them how long they will need to finish their part of the project.

Below is an example of what a timeline might look like – you can adapt or delete the examples as you fill out the table with your own project details.

Activity    Responsibility    Start date    End date
Contact local radio to arrange meeting    Sharon B    23/4/11    23/4/11
Develop ideas for radio program    Michael S    26/4/11    30/4/11
Radio station meeting to discuss ideas    Sharon B and Michael S    1/5/11    1/5/11
Confirm partnership with radio station    Sharon B    N/A    15/5/11

The timeline template helps you to start working out the date each activity of your project will need to be done by.

Community Health Action Pack. Step 9 Timeline Template
Funding template

Funding budget

This second budget will help you keep track of all the funding sources for your project, as well as all the actual costs. You can adapt or delete the examples as you fill out the table with your own project details.

Income    Amount    Expenditure    Amount
Local Community Campaign Funding    $34,000    Salaries    $7,000
Donation – venue hire    —    Fitness instructor    $5,000
Insurance    $3,000
Travel    $500
Accommodation    $500
Catering    $1,000
Exercise equipment    $4,000
Advertising    $4,000
Printing    $1,500
Fitness clothing     $2,500
Gym memberships    $5,000

Total    $34,000    Total    $34,000

The funding template helps you to make sure you have the necessary funding to meet your costs.

Notes on how to prepare your budget
•    On the left-hand side of your page, list all your sources of ‘Income’, including any funding for which you are applying
•    In the second column, write the amount for each item
•    The third ‘Expenditure’ column is where you need to list all the activities, tasks, resources, materials and products that your project will require (your costs budget will help you identify these). You should also include a contingency amount (generally about 5–10% of the budget) to allow for any unexpected or increases in costs
•    The last column is for the estimated cost of each expenditure item
•    The totals for the ‘Income’ and ‘Expenditure’ columns should equal the same amount

HSHM345 Relationship to
Unit Learning Outcomes     HSHM345 Assessment 2:
Program proposal
LO 2: critically analyse the competing forces which influence the work of health planners
There is consistency between what was proposed in the community needs analysis and what is presented – or a justification for modification in the program proposal has been provided. Any modification is well justified. The scope of the work continues to be related to a professional, social or cultural issue and is well justified as such.

Mark         /20    Strong
17 – 20    Satisfactory
13-16    Weak
10-12    Unacceptable (0-10)
The assignment does not align to community needs analysis in any discernible way.
LO 4 identify and consolidate sources of information useful in health planning: and
LO 5 critically review the information available about a specific geographical area and exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying areas of unmet need    The information presented in the work is consolidated and specific to planning the proposed program.  The rationale for the program is justified through reference to, synthesisof and appropriate interpretation of population data, current policy, and current and/or seminal literature.
Mark            /40    Strong
34-40    Satisfactory
26-33    Weak
20-25     Unacceptable (0-20):
The program is ill defined or superficial. The program is not justified other than from a personal perspective. There is inadequate understanding of the topic area. There is no evidence of interpretation and analysis of the subject matter
LO 6apply knowledge and skills with initiative and judgement to address one of the needs identified    Proposed program is specific to the community needs identified, well justified, and supported by evidence. If an existing program in another area it has been adapted with careful consideration to the specific community‘s population and needs.
Mark            /30    Strong
25-30    Satisfactory
19-24    Weak
15-18    Unacceptable (0-15)
The work is incoherent and lacks discernible logic. There is no attempt to comply with academic conventions in presenting the work.
Presentation and formatting
presents a written work in accordance with academic and professional standards    The program proposal is well structured, logical and presents a cohesive and organised set of ideas that are well supported by evidence. The work is presented in a format that is acceptable to the academic and professional community.
•    meets word limit (±10% )
•    formatting and presentation meets academic and professional standards
•    work has been checked and edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
•    correct/complete referencing
Mark            /10    strong
9 or 10    Satisfactory
7-8    Weak
5-6    Unacceptable (0-5)
The work is incoherent and lacks discernible logic. There is little or no attempt to comply with academic conventions in presenting the work.
Final comments and total mark         (    / 100 = /50)

Assessed by:                                                                                               Date:

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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